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Sunday, September 18, 2011

A FeW oF mY faVoRitE tHinGs!!

Surprises like this from my husband, who remembered we had been married 6 months in July!! (wow time flies!)
These sweet little kids that Bryce and I get to be a part of their lives.. Aren't they CUTE!?!
Funny little Dax! He's such a busy boy but I just love having him and helping Capri for a bit.
Doing hair!!! These girls let me do pretty much whatever I want and it is so fun to try new things on them!
My sweet Lola.. She is seriously the best dog and so good with kids! Sky, Sailyr and Dax all just love her and she gets so excited when they walk through the door.
Do I have the cutest parents or what?? Aunt Shirlee has this tandem bike my mom just had to try so she made my dad get on and go around the block with her.. I'm sure the people in Morgan were highly entertained!
Once again, my girls! I don't know what I'd do without them!! They have become such a huge part of my life these past 3+ years and I feel so blessed to be able to spend time with them. I love them so so much!!
And last but certainly not least, my amazing husband! I cannot believe we have been married almost 8 months! It has definitely been a roller coaster getting use to married life but I am so lucky to be able to share this ride with Bryce. What a great guy he is, always willing to help me or anyone else with whatever they need.
I found myself tonight in a bad mood and being bugged with things and felt like I needed to check my negativity and realize what all I have to be grateful for!! Thanks so much Bryce, Capri & Tyson, and Travis & Sierra especially for letting my be apart of your families. I love you all so much!